veckans citat #8

the flash:
cisco är snabb med att klämma in en jaws-referens när han får veta att king shark är lös igen.
diggle: we came to give you the head's up, barry.
barry: about what?
lyla: a meta-human who escaped from a.r.g.u.s. custody, goes by the name king shark.
cisco: king shark? you mean the half-man/half-shark that tried to kill you months ago? i thought he was dead.
diggle: that's what a.r.g.u.s. wanted you to believe when they snatched him up, but believe me, this half-shark is very much alive and his biological imperative is telling him to do one thing. that's kill you, barry. 
cisco: we're gonna need a bigger flash. 
wally har lite svårt att förstå hur iris och joe kan vara så lugna efter att king shark rivit halva huset. 
joe: i don't suppose my homeowner's insurance covers a sharknado attack.
wally: i don't understand you people. jaws busts through your house like the kool-aid man, the flash shows up and y'all just act like it's no big deal. 
iris: yeah, well, we've had a lot of weird things happen in central city over the past two years. 
wally: weirder than a talking shark wearing pants? 
joe: man, you'd be surprised. 
ravi försöker stöta på en yngre tjej och stöter på en så kallad deal-breaker.
ravi: i've been at the lab all day, so i didn't really get a chance to primp. so, apologies if my hair looks like i've been driving with my head outside the window of the millenium falcon.
darcy: is that the new ford? the one for millennials?
ravi: ha! ford. well played! 
darcy: wait, what? 
ravi: huh?
darcy: huh?
ravi: the millenium falcon. a modified yt-1300 light freighter? piloted by han solo? played by harrison ford in star wars. 
darcy: oh, star wars. right. i've never seen it. 
ray är himla glad över att få vara närvarande när marnie ska gifta sig med en annan man än han själv.
hannah: marnie kicked fran out of the house for female reasons so, um, can you take care of him? 
ray: yeah, sure. have a seat.
fran: awesome.
ray: yeah, settle in, son, and just let the nightmare wash over you. 
citat, girls, izombie, the flash, tv | |